Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Super Wishes!

I wish you a memorable day.
May it forever remind you of the day you were born and,
May it always teach you to be thankful
To those people who brought you to this world.
And to make you appreciate those with whom
You shared the same womb.
May it remind you of those you have met in your life.
Those who left, and those who stayed,
And the impact each of them left
And above all,
May it remind you to be grateful to God:
For the gift of life, good health and sufficient Grace.
On this day,
I wish you happiness.
I pray that your dreams come true.
And that your fears will not become your weaknesses.
This is your birthday,
But I celebrate it too..
For were it not for this day,
You'd never have been born.
And I would never have had the pleasure Of knowing you,
And being part of your life.

Sunday, 12 February 2012

What Are You Scared Of?

That she knows you lied about your name
or that the age you gave her is times
two the exact?
Are you afraid that she knows
that the ring on your finger is
not an ornament,
but a sign of an oath officiated?
That the floral bedsheets on your bed
are not your mother's 26th birthday present
but your wife's preference?
Are you worried that she's aware
that the photograph of a woman hanging on your
table room wall, looking gorgeous and happy
is not your elder sister abroad?
but the woman with whose husband she shares bed?
Are you thinking she knows your dirty secrets
but she does not care?
you are scared that she's playing with
your feelings, like you are doing with hers?
Or that she has fallen for you and
you wanted nothing serious?
are you scared of hurting her feelings,
if you let the truth known?
Open the closet mister.
Let her see what's inside
Hurt those feelings now
or wait till later and
That family you love so much
That name you value so deeply
And the respect and status you so well command
will vanish in the winds.
You'll have nothing
For wanting everything.